
Leo Buscaglia said it best “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”  The iMentor blog series was created as outlet for current mentors to share their stories of mentoring in an effort to encourage others to lend a helping hand to all the wonderful, extraordinary, fabulous, talented, smart and indescribable youth of today! 

So go ahead and tell us of a life-changing moment when you knew you were making a difference in a youth’s life! This is also a great forum for mentors to exchange insightful information on the mentoring process.  Be sure to include your Name and Youth Mentoring Organization at the end of your post!

Peace & Blessings,

Miss Rubie

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1 comment January 23, 2011

The “For Colored Girls” Email…Very Positive!

 I did not write this, but it is definitely worth the read.  Below is the “For Colored Girls” email that is circulating in cyber space.


When I first heard of the movie “For Colored Girls” I got so excited.  I had the idea of getting as many women together that I could think of to go see this movie.  I had visions of group discussions and moments shared with one another that would lead to healing and growth; I guess I kind of imagined a Women’s Empowerment Conference type of setting.
Well after I shared my idea with a few women, reality set in and I  realized that so many of us wouldn’t be willing to participate for various reasons: You don’t like me, you don’t care for somebody I might invite, you only hang out with certain people, you don’t understand the big deal about Tyler Perry making yet another movie about black people and our issues for all the world to see, you don’t like crowds, so n so is too ghetto, such and such is too uppity  etc… It has ALWAYS amazed me that we as black women are each other’s biggest critics.  We are the quickest to bring each other down, find each others faults and nit pick at a sister until she has nothing left, nothing left to give and then we step over her and call her worthless.  We take the prettiest women and tear them down for thinking “they are cute” but turn around and dog the average sista because “she know she should take better care of herself than that – can’t believe she got a man!”   We don’t discriminate, we talk about everybody!!!

I’ve watched women dog out everybody from Oprah for catering to white people and Halle Berry for not being able to keep a man to young Willow Smith for acting to darn grown in her recent video. All of these females are successful and there is something about each one of them to be proud of but a lot of us can’t seem to see that.  I have to wonder since we all share a common thread (whether we want to admit it or not) is there something about ourselves that we don’t like, what has happened to us that we cannot seem to get along. Why is that we fight amongst ourselves, backstab & steal each others men (only to find out we should have left him where we found him). We cannot seem to be unified to support and stick up for one another. Everybody seems to be out for themselves while other groups unite against us but nobody else has to bring us down because we trample on the spirits of each other daily.  

Even if you live in a mini mansion, drive a luxury car, have good credit, rich handsome husband etc, this does not mean that should look down your nose at the woman with 4 kids, no husband, living in income based housing struggling to keep her lights on. We ALWAYS think the grass is greener on the other side, I had a woman who’s child father is MIA tell me that I should never complain because I receive a decent amount of child support and I laughed and let her know that I would gladly give every dime back if he would come relieve some of this overwhelming pressure of feeling inadequate as a parent.  If I could get just one full night of sleep or not always be on the verge of losing my job because I’m the one that has to call off or leave work for one reason or another to accommodate my child – yeah he could DEFINITELY have his money if I could have some peace!  Money alone doesn’t make you happy (not true happiness), good credit doesn’t keep you satisfied, beauty doesn’t make you any less insecure, fame doesn’t make you less vulnerable or cause you to be a good judge of character and being stuck up and mean doesn’t keep you warm at night or prevent you from being lonely.

You don’t know how the sista sitting right next to could have carefully put on her make up this morning to hide the beating from last night. The teacher you handed your child over to this morning could have sent her children off to school from a dark house with empty bellies.  The teller you just got rude with at the bank could know that today is her last day on her job and have no idea how she is going to survive past next weekend.  The sista at the office that appears so busy could be typing her goodbyes to all the people that she loves because she plans to blow her brains out tonight after she tucks her babies into bed. The woman you pass in the hallway could be on her way to have an abortion because she fears what others might think or how the woman that sent you this e-mail may drink an over abundance of alcohol every night to mask the nightmares of an abusive childhood.  

Ladies we HAVE TO DO BETTER!!! I’m not suggesting that we all like each other and be phony, but I am asking that we all try to respect each other.  You HAVE NO IDEA what the next woman is going through, you don’t know what past or current hurt and pains have shaped her into who she is today.  We spend so much time trying to be as strong and hard as we are expected to be that we end up cracking from the inside out piece by piece. If we would spend 1/3 of the time we spend tearing each other down to build someone up, encourage someone, show someone some love, we could truly make a difference and save someone’s life.  PLEASE don’t be the straw that breaks another woman’s back. Believe me when I tell you that there is a woman out there that needs your smile, your hug, your support, your prayer.  

I hope that you read this and get something out of it other than a laugh and that you pass this on to as many women as you can to let someone know that you believe they are somebody special and that if need be you are available to listen. Nothing bad is going to happen if you don’t forward this e-mail but I’d like to think that something positive will happen if you choose to pass it along.  May favor be extended to each and every one of your lives, keep your head up and know that someone somewhere cares!!!

Add a comment November 17, 2010

For colored people who thought ‘For Colored Girls’ was about bashing men when ‘Waiting to Exhale’ wasn’t enough

For colored people who thought ‘For Colored Girls’ was about bashing men when ‘Waiting to Exhale’ wasn’t enough. Wake Up!  I woke up this morning with full intent on writing this towards black men. However, I saw that I’d be just like some of you closed minded individuals so let me put it to you this way. In a day where women are treated as objects, where we’re rarely seen in a positive light, when most of us have low self-esteem, this movie was about LOVING YOURSELF.  And if anyone walked out of the movie or play or finished reading the book/play without seeing that underlying theme well I honestly feel sorry for you.

Dear good men, I would completely understand how you feel if in every movie you see about black women YOU are seen in a negative light. It would piss me off too. But can I ask you a question? Do you feel the same way when you go see movies like ‘Takers’ or any other hood movie that comes on BET? Why is it that when it’s a movie based around black women you feel the need to be up in arms? Don’t worry I’ll wait. (pauses for 15 seconds) Now I understand for you, (I’m only speaking to good men) at times movies like this make it harder for you because now we black women feel all liberated and what not but I encourage you to stop looking at every situation as half empty.  Why not look at these situations and grow from it. I’m sure you are already doing a great job respecting us but there is always room to grow. Without giving away the movie/play the author/director does a great job in divulging the emotional rollercoaster women go through in these life hurdles. You get a firsthand look at what goes through our minds.  It’s not the situation. It’s our response to the situation you need to look at and see what you can do as a man to provide that security that love.

Now women, I’m all for liberation but bashing our counter parts isn’t getting it for me. Now in the movie with the exception of one maybe two characters who couldn’t control their situation, WE had the control but didn’t realize it. We can sit up here and say well he doesn’t appreciate me but it’s time to look in the mirror. What made him show out so much? If you loved yourself enough maybe he wouldn’t have showed his ass. Let me take it one step further.  He might not have even confronted you in the first place because a true woman of self-confidence is power. And cowards are afraid of it.  We can sit here and burn up cars and houses like Bernie or Lisa left eye Lopez and completely miss the point. Or we can take the true meaning of the movie/play and begin to love ourselves. Because after all that bashing and burning is done, we’re still left with the hurt and pain.

*exhales* I’m so glad I got this off my chest. Because let me tell you after walking out of that theatre yesterday I was so full. There were several women that I could relate to in that movie. It conjured up past incidents. I’d be lying if I said they were all positive. It hurt to see some things. But you know what it also made me realize how far I’ve come. God is so good. I am conqueror. Sometimes you need to see where you were in order to appreciate where you are.  I’m a strong individual and my love is too pure and delicate to have it thrown in my face. Love you all and I hope you begin to love yourself.

– D Hayes

Add a comment November 16, 2010

“Change Starts With A Simple Conversation”…For Colored Girls

On Friday, November 5, 2010 R.U.B.I.E.S., Inc. hosted a Movie Premiere and Panel Discussion at the AMC Mainstreet  for the highly anticipated Tyler Perry Film “For Colored Girls’ based on the chorepoems of Ntozake Shange’s.  The intent of this event was to start a “conversation” to address our issues as women and men alike so that we could assess and prevent them in our youth.  Basically getting to MENTORING!  The event had an awesome turnout of a 100+ “old” and new supports of R.U.B.I.E.S., Inc. 

The panel consisted of a diverse group of panelist. Robyn Knight (KPRS, On-Air Personality/Hickman Mills Educator), Dyan Devereaux (KPRS, On-Air Personality), Crystal Booker (Mass Appeal News, Film Critic/Writer),  Aleisha McGee (Motivational Speaker), Ina P. Montgomery (Urban Training Systems, Entrepreneur), Dr. Sarita Graham (Princess Wheatley House, entrepreneur).  The dialogue with these ladies was PHENOMENAL!!! Bringing up issues from the movie, community and LIFE!  At the end of the conversation the facilitator, Robyn Knight, challenged the audience to touch someone’s life whether it be through R.U.B.I.E.S., Inc. or another organization.

So, with just a huge success we had a few friends with some great perspectives on the movie and related topics that we wanted them to add their options to the blog.  So please take the time to read their blog entries. *The work of guest contributors are not the opinions and views of R.U.B.I.E.S., Inc.

Add a comment November 16, 2010
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“If I had of known then what I know now: Letters to my younger self”

This is a blog series created by women in various walks of life that want to share their testimony in order to help another young lady that might be on the same journey.  The following post will express mistakes, stepping-stones, road blocks, and life lessons learned.  But what we hope is that every reader take away from this is that these ladies made the best of their situation, continued to persevere and excel beyond their circumstances.

With Love and Peace,

Miss Rubie

7 comments August 28, 2010
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Welcome to R.U.B.I.E.S., Inc. Blog Spot


Welcome to R.U.B.I.E.S., Inc. Blog Spot!

R.U.B.I.E.S., Inc. was founded in 2010 by Chantell M. Garrett, but this is nothing new to her as this has been in the works since 2006 as a project in undergrad.  It was her personal journey in 2009 that it took from paper to reality and gave substance behind the the name R.U.B.I.E.S., Inc. and what it stands for; Realizing yoUr Best In Every Situation.  “It took a some trials, tribulations and a broken spirit to take me from once was a fairy tale journey to really comprehending that storms have to come in order for rainbows to show!” said Chantell. 
The organization was formed for Community Outreach, Partnership and Mentorship focusing on the 4 Gemstones (pillars) of the organization;  Community Leadership, Cultural Enhancement, Health & Wellness, and Life Skill Development.  The mission of R.U.B.I.E.S., Inc. is to encourage young ladies to realize their full potential through an elevated level of self-worth, self-love and self-determination.  The vision of R.U.B.I.E.S., Inc. is that every young lady be educated, empowered, and inspired on the importance of self-worth through community leadership, cultural enhancements, health and wellness, and life skill development. Living the mantra, “Realizing yoUr Best In Every Situation”.
We created this blog to be an open forum for women and girls to express and read issues concerning them and their community.  Our intentions is that this blog act as a source of inspiration and give you an opportunity to express yourself and be heard!  ENJOY!
With Love and Peace,

Miss Rubie

R.U.B.I.E.S., Inc.
P.O. Box 300764
Kansas City, MO 64130

Add a comment August 6, 2010
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